Invest where it counts

Between Kenney’s cuts and the pandemic, funding is scarce. We don’t need more wasteful consultants, insider deals, or handouts for rich developers. During this crisis and beyond, we must invest in our communities, local economy, and infrastructure. Every single public dollar should be benefitting our communities, not wealthy shareholders. We need to maximize economic and social value to get the most for Edmontonians from every dollar spent.

  • Hire local workers.
    Edmonton has one of the highest unemployment rates in Canada. City council needs to support the communities they serve by hiring local. Every Edmontonian deserves stable work that pays a living wage.
  • Make housing accessible.
    Everyone deserves a place to live. We need to ban evictions, make sure senior citizens are housed, add accessible housing with every new multi-storey development, and work to end houselessness.
  • Improve our infrastructure.
    Edmonton is still the fastest-growing city in Alberta. From road repair to sewers and power lines, let’s make sure everyone has what they need to live and succeed in our growing communities. 
  • Provide food security.
    Too many in our city are going hungry. It shouldn’t be solely up to charities to provide for them. City council needs to step up and support programs that provide food security for all Edmontonians.

Better public services

Right now, Edmontonions are relying on crucial public services. Leaders need to protect us from cuts that threaten services we need, like road repair, transit, mental health support, public safety, recreation, child and senior care, and more.

  • Quality transit for all.
    Transit is an essential service. Making the Edmonton Transit Service a robust, safe, accessible, and fully subsidized transit system not only addresses affordability—it’s an act of racial, social, economic, and climate justice.
  • Better mental health support.
    We know that mental health services aren’t a luxury—they’re a necessity for everyone in our community. We need more accessible, timely supports, and stronger services for everyone in Edmonton.
  • Decriminalize houselessness.
    Mental health crises and houselessness should not be criminalized. We need better alternatives that allow mental health service providers and social workers to step in and support vulnerable people.
  • Reduce waste.
    Too much waste is ending up in our landfill. It has a huge environmental and financial impact, taking more out of your wallet for no benefit. City council needs to take responsibility by limiting waste and making producers pay their share of environmental costs.

Seize every opportunity

Pushing Edmonton forward means looking for every chance to make our city better. With the right leadership, we can challenge the destructive agenda of our provincial politicians, and grow our city in the right way and create the future we want.

  • Sustainability.
    Let’s use smart, strategic spending to create a sustainable future. If we’re improving transit, let’s make it green. If we’re building accessible housing, let’s make it energy-efficient. If we’re repaving roads, let’s make room for cyclists and pedestrians.
  • Equity.
    Edmonton can be a leader in racial and economic equity, committed to fighting for economic equality and against racism. We need to elect a city council that represents our diverse communities.
  • Economic diversification.
    Now is the time to embrace economic diversity and support emerging and growing industries. Edmonton is a center of economic innovation and transformation. We must capitalize on our city’s strengths to grow our industries and ensure they remain viable as the economic landscape shifts and grows.